Everything You Need To Know About Car Mot, Every year, you must take your car in for an MOT test to make sure it still meets legal requirements for being driven on the road, you can also check details with MOT near me spots near your place. Here is a quick blog post that outlines everything that will be covered on the MOT.

What Exactly Does MOT Stand For?

The Ministry of Transport, from which MOT derives its name, was abolished and renamed the Department of Transport in 2002.

When Did They First Start Doing The MOT?

Cars over ten years old have been required to pass an annual inspection by the Ministry of Transport since the test was introduced in 1960 by Ernest Marples. The inspection was performed once a year and was limited to checking the brakes, lights, and steering.

In 1962, the first commercial vehicle inspections were implemented, and certificates were given to owners of vehicles that passed. The vehicle’s registration was not complete without this certificate. As cars have improved, more requirements have been added to the test.

When Does A New Car Get Its First MOT?

You won’t have to worry about passing an MOT test for the first three years after buying a new car. After that, you’ll need to take the MOT test every 12 months.

The online MOT checker not only tells you when your next MOT test is due but also provides a wealth of information about the MOT history of any vehicle. Visit the GOV website to find out when your next MOT is due. You can also get a guide feom MOT near me services.

Mot Common Faults You Should Avoid:

According to gov. uk, three major flaws can be avoided by performing a few simple tasks.

Lightbulbs account for 30% of all failures. Changing a light bulb is cheap and can end up saving you a lot of time and energy.

Tyre pressure and condition – Tyre problems account for 10% of all faults. Ensure your tyres have the right amount of air in them before inspecting your vehicle.

Wipers, washers, and mirrors – When using their mirrors, 8.5% of drivers can’t see correctly, leading to accidents. It’s possible to avoid this by ensuring the mirrors are in good working order and can be adjusted as needed.

If your vehicle fails the yearly DVSA MOT test, you can get it fixed and retested at no additional cost thanks to the MOT Failure coverage offered by Warranty wise as part of your car warranty.